Top 5 trekking trails to do in less than 2 hours in the UK

31.03.2023 / Leave a Comment

If you’re looking for a quick escape into nature and enjoy trekking, the UK offers plenty of beautiful trails that can be completed in less than two hours. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trekker, here are the top five trekking trails that you can complete in less than two hours.

  1. Box Hill, Surrey: Located in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Box Hill is a popular destination for hikers and day-trippers from London. The trail up Box Hill is relatively easy and takes about an hour to complete. Along the way, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the surrounding countryside, including the River Mole and the North Downs. At the top of Box Hill, there’s a National Trust viewpoint where you can enjoy panoramic views and take a break on your outdoor seat cushion.
  2. Mam Tor, Peak District: Mam Tor, also known as the “Shivering Mountain,” is a popular trail in the Peak District that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The trail up Mam Tor is relatively easy and takes about an hour to complete. Along the way, you’ll pass through a Bronze Age hill fort and several other interesting geological features. Once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with stunning panoramic views of the Peak District. Don’t forget to bring your outdoor seat cushion to relax and enjoy the view.
  3. Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh: If you’re visiting Edinburgh, don’t miss the opportunity to hike up Arthur’s Seat, an extinct volcano that offers stunning views of the city. The trail up Arthur’s Seat is more challenging than the previous two trails, but it can still be completed in less than two hours. The trail offers stunning views of Edinburgh’s skyline, Holyrood Palace, and the Scottish Parliament. Once you reach the top, you can enjoy the stunning panoramic views of the city and take a break on your outdoor seat cushion.
  4. Glastonbury Tor, Somerset: Glastonbury Tor is an iconic landmark in Somerset that has been shrouded in myth and legend for centuries. The trail up Glastonbury Tor takes about an hour to complete and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Along the way, you’ll pass through fields, orchards, and ancient woodland. Once you reach the top, you can explore the ruins of St. Michael’s Tower and enjoy the stunning panoramic views. Don’t forget to bring your outdoor seat cushion to relax and take in the view.
  5. Roseberry Topping, North Yorkshire: Roseberry Topping is a distinctive hill located in North Yorkshire that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The trail up Roseberry Topping is relatively short, taking about 30-40 minutes to complete. Along the way, you’ll pass through woodland and open moorland. Once you reach the top, you’ll be treated to stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including the North York Moors National Park. Don’t forget to bring your outdoor seat cushion to relax and enjoy the view.

Regardless of the trail you choose to hike, it’s important to bring appropriate gear and equipment. Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear, and bring plenty of water and snacks. You should also carry a map and compass or GPS, and let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return.


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